Thanks to the great Foster and Allen for supporting me
Facebook 5 August at 11:59 Foster And Allen Wrote: "Check out the novel called ‘Summerchester Secrets’ by Hazel Elizabeth Allen,...

Catch me on Radio Solent on Tuesday Morning at 08:15 on the Julian Clegg Show
Very exciting things are happening with my award winning debut novel, Summerchester Secrets! Not only is there an article all about it in...

Great day at Littledown Centre Family Fun Day last Sunday with The Bournemouth Hospital Charity
Last Sunday I spent the day at the Littledown Centre Family Fun Day in Bournemouth. There was so much going on, what a great day for...

On air on Hospital Radio Bedside tonight with our old friend Helen Johns, talking about my book Summ
Tonight I was interviewed by our old friend Helen Johns on Hospital Radio Bedside, at their studios at Bournemouth Hospital. I was...

Watch this space, coming soon Summerchester Regret, short story.
I am in the process of writing the short story Summerchester Regret, featuring a character from my novel Summerchester Secrets.

I am so exciting! I am delighted to announce that I have won an international book award with my deb
Summerchester Secrets has been named Best Romance Novel at the New Generation Indie Book Awards in Chicago. To be named winner in the...

Looking forward to publishing my first novel.
I first decided I wanted to be a writer at infant's school when I told my teacher that I was planning to re-write the story of Snow White...